API-AN SOC.COOP - offers professional services Italy's leading company in rock scaling Stati Uniti

APIAN THE LEADING COMPANY IN ROCK SCALING - The company can carry out rock scaling in any situation whether in the area of Carrara, in Italy and overseas

APIAN THE LEADING COMPANY IN ROCK SCALING - Rock scaling consists of the manual elimination of the unstable rock portions needed to make a work area safe.
The activity is undertaken in any position or height by specialized Apian personnel thanks to their long experience acquired in years of work in the extraction of marble.
The activity is undertaken in any position or height by specialized Apian personnel thanks to their long experience acquired in years of work in the extraction of marble.
The company can undertake rock scaling in any situation in the area of Carrara, in Italy and overseas. Apian uses technology for securing rock/cliff faces, tunnels during knocking down, slopes that tend to collapse, etc.
The scaling is carried out with respect for all the regulations for the safety of work places and environments and always using professionally the equipment needed for the intervention.
The rock scaling is usually carried out using levers (metal or wooden) that allow workers to act on the cracks in the rock while maintaining a safe distance. Furthermore, they also use chisels, rotary and demolition hammers, loading shovels and other tools dedicated to rock scaling.

API-AN SOC. COOP. - V. Piombara 33 - CARRARA (MS) - Italy -
E-Mail: apian@apian.it - Tel. +39 0585842782
Contact us to find out the costs and methods of our rock scaling, demolition with explosives design consultation for securing safety and environmental reclamations.


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  • Via Piombara 33 Carrara - 54033 (Massa-Carrara)
  • API-AN SOC. COOP. - V. Piombara 33 - CARRARA (MS) - Italy - Mail: apian@apian.it - Tel. +39 0585842782

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