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Mappa - Via Piombara 33
API-AN SOC. COOP - Offers the leading company for systems for securing rock/cliff faces. Stati Uniti

Apian is a cooperative that carries out its activities in the extraction of marble and reclaiming land in the territory of Massa and Carrara.
Apian is a cooperative that carries out the extraction of marble and reclaiming land in the territory of Massa and Carrara.
We have been active for more than 35 years and we specialize in interventions in varied and complex situations such as instability and landslides in a number of critical areas in the country.
Our technician’s experience is based on long training that Appian carried out in the field and acquiring more and more knowledge in the world’s most important marble area. Carrara and the Apuan Alps.
These specializations have made Apian a point of reference in environmental reclamation and led to carrying out work in the world’s most important extraction areas.
API-AN SOC. COOP. - V. Piombara 33 - CARRARA (MS) - Italy -
E-Mail: - Tel. +39 0585842782
Contact us to find out the costs and methods of our rock scaling, demolition with explosives design consultation for securing safety and environmental reclamations.
We have been active for more than 35 years and we specialize in interventions in varied and complex situations such as instability and landslides in a number of critical areas in the country.
Our technician’s experience is based on long training that Appian carried out in the field and acquiring more and more knowledge in the world’s most important marble area. Carrara and the Apuan Alps.
These specializations have made Apian a point of reference in environmental reclamation and led to carrying out work in the world’s most important extraction areas.
API-AN SOC. COOP. - V. Piombara 33 - CARRARA (MS) - Italy -
E-Mail: - Tel. +39 0585842782
Contact us to find out the costs and methods of our rock scaling, demolition with explosives design consultation for securing safety and environmental reclamations.
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ends on... 18-12-2026
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- Via Piombara 33 Carrara - 54033 (Massa-Carrara)
- +39 0585842782 Call me Call me
- API-AN SOC. COOP. - V. Piombara 33 - CARRARA (MS) - Italy - Mail: - Tel. +39 0585842782
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